Fal.Con 2024 Recap: Enforcing Cyber-Resiliency through Proactive Security

September 30, 2024
Zoey Chu
Product Marketing Manager
Fal.Con 2024 Recap: Enforcing Cyber-Resiliency through Proactive Security

Lessons learned: the strength in cyber-resiliency

In Tuesday’s opening keynote session, CrowdStrike’s CEO, George Kurtz, referenced the 1982 Tylenol poisonings where an unknown individual replaced Tylenol capsules with capsules laced with cyanide, resulting in the death of a 12-year-old girl. Kurtz noted how this massively impactful incident led to widespread change in the industry and standard of tamper-proof packaging in the medicine industry.  

Kurtz used this example to set the stage for the theme of this year’s Fal.Con — resiliency in cyberspace. Because of how interconnected cybersecurity is with our world, the right actions and responses to security breaches could impact the entire industry. Kurtz ended his keynote with a call to persevere despite future breaches and compromises and a toast to a future of technology that will enforce proactive technology that could last decades.  

Scattered Spider figure
Scattered Spider figure
Entrance to Fal.Con Hub
Entrance to Fal.Con Hub
Keynote session
Keynote session
Vectra AI presentation on our integration with Falcon Next-Gen SIEM
Vectra AI presentation on our integration with Falcon Next-Gen SIEM
Drone show featuring Scattered Spider
Drone show featuring Scattered Spider

Legacy tools no longer work for achieving cyber-resiliency

A common theme that occurred in many of the sessions at Fal.Con 2024 was the idea of augmenting old technology to better fit the needs and requirements of the modern security landscape. We saw this messaging prevalent in many of CrowdStrike’s technology innovations including Falcon Next-Gen SIEM and use of Charlotte AI in all stages of threat detection, investigation, and response. However, arguably, the most important example of tool augmentation is through the many, many technology integrations available with CrowdStrike and with each other. Not only were integrations a key topic within speaker sessions, but I also engaged in numerous conversations with Fal.Con attendees regarding Vectra AI’s own integrations with CrowdStrike and other security vendors.

Vectra AI is no stranger to technology integrations. In fact, one of the key components that powers the Vectra AI Platform are our technology integrations, particularly our integrations with CrowdStrike’s Falcon Insight XDR and Falcon Next-Gen SIEM.  

The idea is that legacy tools no longer work on their own. They need to be augmented within its product and with other security vendors to defend and respond to modern threats.  

Achieving cyber-resiliency with Vectra AI and CrowdStrike

If anything was to be learned from this year’s Fal.Con, it’s that the same story from last year still applies — security works better together. With this year’s theme of achieving cyber-resilience, security vendors working together is an even bigger piece of the puzzle.  

Vectra AI reinforces this idea with our integrations with CrowdStrike’s Falcon Insight XDR and Falcon Next-Gen SIEM. Having just a SIEM or just an EDR is not enough to defend and respond against attackers we see today. The organizations with the best and most proactive security programs look towards a combined solution that can provide complementary coverage, clarity, and control. Partnering with CrowdStrike has allowed Vectra AI to extend our Attack Signal Intelligence to not only CrowdStrike’s EDR, but also their next-generation SIEM. And with this partnership built on bridging security gaps and proactively defending hybrid environments, organizations can achieve cyber-resilience.  

Learn more about CrowdStrike and Vectra AI’s partnership here.