Vectra AI Platform Integrations

Build your XDR platform your way, with your tech

Seamlessly integrate your existing tools and automate workflows with Vectra AI Platform integrations.

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Integration Options

3 ways to integrate — for any pane of glass

The Vectra AI Platform integrations make XDR possible. Integrate Vectra AI across your entire security technology stack — cloud services, packet brokers, virtualization, endpoint, SIEM, SOAR, ITSM and firewalls — to detect and disarm attacks in minutes, no matter where they occur.

3rd Party Integrations
One platform to combine them all

Your attack surface is expanding — and so should your threat detection. That's why integrations are at the core of the Vectra AI Platform. With 3rd party signals constantly funneling in from cloud services and EDRs, our security team platform becomes the launch pad for a true integrated XDR signal.

Explore 3rd Party Integrations
Investigative Workflow Integrations
Richer signal for your SIEM

Your security tech stack only works when all players are fully connected with one integrated XDR signal. Our simple integrations for your existing dashboards enable seamless transitions and unbroken investigative workflows.

Explore Workflow Integrations
Incident Management and Response Integrations
Extend response confidently and rapidly

With a seamless integration between Vectra AI and your response technology — whether it’s automated or analyst-controlled — you’ll never second-guess incident management, response, or remediation with this XDR solution again.

Explore Response Integrations
Integrations Directory

Implement XDR with Vectra AI's powerful integrations

The Vectra AI Platform provides end-to-end protection against advanced threats — from the enterprise to the cloud and data centers — by integrating a wide range of best-in-class security solutions.

Packet Brokers