Vectra MXDR Calculator

Calculate the potential value of Vectra MXDR for your security team

Vectra MXDR is 100% dedicated to taking your security team to the next level. See how much your team can save with our value calculator.

Tell us about your organization

Fill out the fields to see how many hours and dollars you can potentially redirect with Vectra MXDR.
How many hours a day does each team member spend on…
(Max total = 10 hours)
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Your current costs

Based on the information you provided, this is what you're likely spending each year on the above security team tasks.

Scroll down to see how much you can potentially redirect to MXDR.

Hours spent annually
Hours spent annually as a team
Dollars spent annually as a team
Your 10-hour work day as a security professional

Hours and dollars available to redirect to other initiatives

...such as threat hunting programs, security posture, career development, certifications, and more if Vectra MXDR completely offloads 100% of security team task hours inputted.

Potential security talent budget annually redirected
Talent hours that can be redirected annually as a team

Like what you see? Expand your managed threat detection and response capabilities.

Discover the only MXDR service with a clear, integrated signal for complete coverage across multiple vendor tech stacks — tailored to your exact needs.

How your estimate was calculated

The Vectra MXDR value calculator is based on:

  • A 249-day work calendar that excludes holidays and weekends
  • The weighted average salary of an SOC professional at $168,292.23, calculated from reported ZipRecruiter salaries
  • A $250,000 investment in Vectra AI

Legal disclaimer

Vectra AI's Value Calculator for MXDR tool can provide useful insights to organizations that want to estimate the potential value from their Managed Extended Detection and Response (MXDR) solutions. To ensure that the tool effectively simulates a wide range of expected costs and benefits for organizations of varying sizes, geographic locations, and industry segments with different information security program maturity and technological sophistication levels, it incorporates numerous sources of industry information and educated assumptions based on longstanding experience in protecting and supporting thousands of organizations worldwide.

Organizations are advised that this tool is intended to be used as a guide, and any resulting value analyses, cost savings projections, and other outputs are intended for informational and directional purposes only. Therefore, organizations should use the tool as a starting point for their value analysis and not solely rely on its results.

In summary, Vectra AI's Value Calculator for MXDR tool provides a valuable starting point for organizations looking to determine the potential value of their MXDR solutions. However, it's important to remember that the resulting outputs are subjective and not guaranteed and should be used in conjunction with other factors and considerations to make informed decisions about their MXDR investments.