AWS Suspect Traffic Mirror Creation

AWS Suspect Traffic Mirror Creation

Detection overview


  • An AWS control-plane API was invoked, which leveraged an EC2 instance as a traffic mirroring target. This suggests a malicious network traffic session will be created, mirroring traffic to the target EC2 instance.

Possible Root Causes

  • A malicious actor is mirroring network traffic to an attacker controlled EC2 in order to steal credentials like passwords and further pivot into the environment.
  • An administrator may have intentionally configured an EC2 as a traffic mirroring target as part of normal operations.

Business Impact

  • Malicious traffic mirroring can be extremely impactful as the traffic moving within VPCs is frequently unencrypted. This is common due to the cloud network design practice of terminating SSL/TLS encryption at load balancers.
  • Stolen credentials sniffed from a network can further an attack campaign, impacting the confidentially of data stored on impacted systems.
  • When confidentially of data is affected, there may be regulatory or compliance implications for the business.

Steps to Verify

  • Investigate the Principal that performed the actions for other signs of malicious activity.
  • Validate that the creation of the traffic mirroring target is authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this resource.
  • Review CloudTrail logs to determine if a traffic mirroring session was established and is authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this resource.
  • If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configurations were made:
    - Revert any configuration changes.
    - Terminate any traffic mirroring session created by the Principal.
    - Disable credentials associated with this alert.
    - Perform a comprehensive investigation to determine initial compromise and if network traffic from the source EC2 instance was encrypted in transit.
AWS Suspect Traffic Mirror Creation

Possible root causes

Malicious Detection

Benign Detection

AWS Suspect Traffic Mirror Creation

Example scenarios

AWS Suspect Traffic Mirror Creation

Business impact

If this detection indicates a genuine threat, the organization faces significant risks:

AWS Suspect Traffic Mirror Creation

Steps to investigate

AWS Suspect Traffic Mirror Creation

MITRE ATT&CK techniques covered

AWS Suspect Traffic Mirror Creation

Related detections

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