M365 External Teams Access

M365 External Teams Access

Detection overview


  • A new team member has been added to a team in O365 Teams consisting of an external account from a domain rarely associated with O365 Teams access.

Possible Root Causes

  • An adversary has added an external account under their control as a new member of a team by abusing an existing O365 Teams account.
  • Sometimes legitimate external users (such as partners, contractors, lawyers, auditors, etc.) are added to an O365 Team as part of an authorized activity.

Business Impact

  • This type of access enables an attacker to perform additional discovery or collection activities by exposing sensitive business information which may include shared files, meeting content, or chat transcripts.
  • The impact of such access may include information necessary to enable further attack progression or facilitate the loss of proprietary information or intellectual property, and regulated data.
  • In some cases, access to the team’s communication fabric and conversation history can enable successful blackmail or extortion against enterprise personnel.

Steps to Verify

  • Validate that the account added is an authorized member of the O365 Team.
M365 External Teams Access

Possible root causes

Malicious Detection

Benign Detection

M365 External Teams Access

Example scenarios

M365 External Teams Access

Business impact

If this detection indicates a genuine threat, the organization faces significant risks:

M365 External Teams Access

Steps to investigate

M365 External Teams Access

MITRE ATT&CK techniques covered

M365 External Teams Access

Related detections

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