M365 Suspicious Teams Application

M365 Suspicious Teams Application

Detection overview


  • A rarely used, third-party Microsoft Teams integrated application has been granted excessive or risky permissions that may enable malicious activities to be taken on behalf of the authorizing user

Possible Root Causes

  • An attacker is trying to trick the user into authorizing a third-party app that will allow the the attacker to execute malicious actions.
  • In some cases rare, legitimate applications do require a set of permissions that are authorized despite the risk they present.

Business Impact

  • Malicious third-party apps can be used to undermine existing security controls, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), and enable malicious action on behalf of the authorizing user, increasing risk to enterprise system and data and increasing the likelihood of further attack progression.
  • A suspicious teams application could result in outcomes ranging from the compromise of an individual account or host, to broader compromise of a full teams channel.
  • Malicious apps may enable a foothold into the environment as a means of maintaining persistent access.
  • Malicious apps could may allow the collection of sensitive information or act as a mechanism to support data exfiltration.

Steps to Verify

  • Verify that the application in question is authorized for the associated user.
  • Validate that the required permission set is appropriate for the authorized business process associated with this application.
  • Investigate for additional malicious indicators associated with this application or user.
M365 Suspicious Teams Application

Possible root causes

Malicious Detection

Benign Detection

M365 Suspicious Teams Application

Example scenarios

M365 Suspicious Teams Application

Business impact

If this detection indicates a genuine threat, the organization faces significant risks:

M365 Suspicious Teams Application

Steps to investigate

M365 Suspicious Teams Application

MITRE ATT&CK techniques covered

M365 Suspicious Teams Application

Related detections

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