Comparison guide

Vectra NDR vs. Cisco Secure Network Analytics (Stealthwatch)

It’s time to leave Cisco Secure Network Analytics behind. See why security teams worldwide are switching to Vectra NDR.

Vectra AI vs Darktrace

Why choose Vectra NDR over Cisco Secure Network Analytics (Stealthwatch)?

Detection Precision

Vectra AI behavior-based detections provide 80% alert fidelity over Cisco Secure Network Analytics.

Constant Innovation

Vectra AI is constantly strengthening the Vectra AI Platform with 4x more R&D and  innovation,  going way beyond standard bug fixes and patches.

Support from analyst reinforcements

Vectra AI provides 24x7x365 support, while Cisco puts the work on your security team for manual maintenance and tuning.

Industry-leading NDR

Analysts and peers agree — Attack Signal Intelligence makes Vectra AI the leading solution for network detection and response.

Gartner, Gartner Peer Insights Voice of the Customer': Network Detection and Response, Peer Contributors, August 30th, 2024.

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Compare Vectra NDR  to Cisco Secure Network Analytics (Stealthwatch)

Vectra AICisco
Public CloudLimited

Attack coverage

Vectra NDR’s AI-driven detections cover all hybrid cloud attack surfaces. It also includes bidirectional integrations for your existing EDR investments.

Cisco Secure Network Analytics does not provide native coverage for M365. Cloud detections are based on legacy methodology and do not provide visibility into what’s happening inside network communications.

Vectra AICisco
AI Detection
AI Triage
AI Prioritization

Signal Clarity

Vectra NDR uses AI-driven Attack Signal Intelligence to detect both known and unknown attacks in real time. Together with MXDR, it relieves security team analysts from the burden of tuning detections and triaging and prioritizing events.

Cisco Secure Network Analytics detects threats by leveraging known IOC’s (such as domains and IP addresses) and by monitoring baseline anomalies (like excessive data transfers and prolonged open connections).

These types of detection methods are not equipped to handle actual hybrid cloud attacker behavior in real-time.

Vectra AICisco
Integrated Investigation with threat context
Native Targeted Response / ContainmentLimited
Integrated Targeted Response / ContainmentLimited
Extended managed response / Containment servicesLimited

Intelligent Control

Vectra NDR’s AI-driven detections are designed to automatically find network threats based on attacker behaviors, allowing security team analysts to focus on investigating, hunting and responding fast.

Cisco controls are highly manual and require constant hands-on management and maintenance by security teams.

Trusted by 1,500+ organizations worldwide

“Since deploying Vectra NDR, our team can monitor the entire A&M System network for cyberattackers and run the security team with incredible efficiency, despite having an extremely lean staff.”

Dan Basile
Executive Director of the security team
The Texas A&M University System
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How Vectra NDR beats Cisco Secure Network Analytics

Attack coverage

Vectra NDR provides detailed insights on attacker behaviors across on-premises (data centers) and hybrid cloud environments.
Cisco Secure Network Analytics lacks integrated signal across the network.

Vectra NDR is powered by AI-driven Attack Signal Intelligence to detect both known and unknown threats.
Cisco Secure Network Analytics is limited to known, observed behaviors.

Vectra NDR’s entity-centric approach to threat detection and response enables security teams to keep pace with even the most sophisticated attacks, including advanced command and control (C2) hiding in encrypted traffic.
Cisco Secure Network Analytics can’t detect covert channel detection attacks for command and control (C2) activities.

Signal clarity

Vectra NDR has more references than any other vendor in MITRE D3FEND, with AI-driven detections covering 90% of MITRE ATT&CK techniques.
Most of Cisco Secure Network Analytics’ actionable events are limited to threat intelligence hits, such as common IOCs.

Vectra NDR identifies the most critical threats with AI-driven detection, triage, prioritization, and native packet capture (PCAP).
Cisco Secure Network Analytics lacks triage, prioritization, native PCAP, and selective PCAP capabilities.

Vectra NDR provides precise insights into what happens inside network communication (instead of just showing what’s different) so your team can see the full picture and act accordingly.
Cisco Secure Network Analytics uses simple flow data and threshold-based anomaly detection methods, making it hard to isolate urgent threats that need immediate attention.

Intelligent control

Vectra NDR uses AI-driven controls to automatically correlate suspicious events across your environment, elevating activity that requires immediate investigation and response.
Cisco Secure Network Analytics has no real starting point for investigation and response.

Vectra NDR is automatically updated with no human intervention necessary.
Cisco Secure Network Analytics requires users to tune every single baseline anomaly to reduce false positives.

Vectra NDR is a scalable solution that doesn’t require constant tuning and maintenance.
Cisco Secure Network Analytics tracks everything manually by IP addresses, which change frequently.

Simple deployment

Vectra NDR allows you to build your XDR, your way based with flexible options across network, identity, cloud, M365, Copilot, MDR and MXDR offerings.
Cisco Secure Network Analytics is part of a larger, bundled product portfolio. This all-or-nothing approach creates a tedious deployment architecture and security team workflow.

Vectra NDR automatically profiles threats across the entire Vectra AI ecosystem.
Cisco Secure Network Analytics offers limited integrations to solutions outside of the Cisco product portfolio.