Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of attack that tricks a user into performing actions on a web application without their consent or knowledge. This can lead to unauthorized actions such as transferring funds, changing passwords, or other unintended operations. It's a critical vulnerability that can compromise the integrity and security of web applications, making it essential for SOC teams to understand and mitigate.
  • According to a report by Acunetix, 36% of web applications are vulnerable to CSRF attacks, making it a prevalent security issue that needs attention.
  • The OWASP Top 10 lists CSRF as one of the critical security risks in web applications, emphasizing the importance of mitigation strategies.
  • What is Cross-Site Request Forgery

    Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a significant web security threat that exploits the trust a web application has in a user's browser. This type of attack forces an authenticated user to perform unwanted actions on a web application without their knowledge. As a result, it can lead to unauthorized data manipulation, transactions, or other malicious activities.

    How Cross-Site Request Forgery works

    A CSRF attack typically involves tricking a victim into clicking a link or loading a page that contains a malicious request. Because the victim is already authenticated on the target web application, the malicious request carries the victim's credentials, allowing the attacker to perform actions on the user's behalf. These actions could range from changing account settings to making unauthorized financial transactions.

     diagram illustrating the Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack flow

    Common indicators of a CSRF Attack

    Identifying a CSRF attack can be challenging as it often occurs without the user's knowledge. However, there are several indicators that can help SOC teams detect and respond to these attacks effectively. Here are some detailed signs to watch for, along with real-life examples:

    1. Unauthorized Changes in User Account Settings

    Users may notice that their account settings, such as email addresses, passwords, or preferences, have been changed without their consent. For example, in 2011, a vulnerability in a popular social networking site allowed attackers to change users' email addresses, effectively hijacking their accounts.

    2. Unexplained Financial Transactions or Data Changes

    Users may see unexpected transactions or alterations in their data. For instance, a banking application might process unauthorized fund transfers. In 2008, a CSRF vulnerability in a major online payment service allowed attackers to transfer funds from users' accounts without their authorization.

    3. User Reports of Actions They Did Not Initiate

    Users may report actions they did not perform, such as posting content on social media or sending messages. In 2013, an exploit in a well-known social media platform allowed attackers to post on behalf of users, leading to widespread spam and phishing attempts.

    4. Abnormal Activity in Application Logs

    SOC teams should monitor application logs for unusual activity patterns. For example, if logs show that a user’s account performed multiple actions in quick succession that are inconsistent with typical user behavior, it might indicate a CSRF attack. A notable case involved an online retail site where logs revealed that accounts were being used to place large orders without the users' knowledge.

    5. Increase in User Complaints About Unauthorized Activities

    A surge in user complaints about unauthorized activities can be a strong indicator of a CSRF attack. In one instance, a popular email service experienced a spike in complaints about spam emails being sent from users' accounts. Investigation revealed that a CSRF vulnerability was being exploited to send these emails.

    Preventing CSRF Attacks

    1. Anti-CSRF Tokens

    Implementing anti-CSRF tokens is one of the most effective ways to prevent CSRF attacks. These tokens are unique, secret values generated by the server and included in forms or requests. When the server receives a request, it validates the token to ensure the request's authenticity.

    2. SameSite Cookie Attribute

    The SameSite attribute in cookies helps prevent CSRF by restricting how cookies are sent with cross-site requests. Setting the SameSite attribute to "Strict" or "Lax" ensures that cookies are only sent with same-site requests or user-initiated requests, reducing the risk of CSRF.

    3. Re-authentication for Sensitive Actions

    Requiring users to re-authenticate before performing sensitive actions, such as changing passwords or making financial transactions, can add an extra layer of security against CSRF attacks.

    4. Security Headers

    Security headers like Content Security Policy (CSP) and X-Frame-Options can help mitigate CSRF risks by controlling how and where content can be loaded and executed within the application.

    5. User Education

    Educating users about the dangers of clicking on suspicious links and the importance of logging out of sensitive applications when not in use can help reduce the likelihood of CSRF attacks.

    Tools for Detecting CSRF Vulnerabilities

    Several tools are available to help detect CSRF vulnerabilities, including:

    • OWASP ZAP: An open-source web application security scanner that can identify CSRF vulnerabilities.
    • Burp Suite: A comprehensive web vulnerability scanner that includes features for detecting CSRF issues.
    • Browser Extensions: Various browser extensions can simulate CSRF attacks to test the security of web applications.

    Ensuring your web applications are secure against CSRF attacks is essential for maintaining user trust and data integrity. If you're concerned about hackers finding CSRF vulnerabilities in your applications, our team at Vectra AI can help.

    Take our self-guided product tour to learn how we can assist you in fortifying your defenses against CSRF and other cyber threats.


    What is Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)?

    What are the common consequences of a CSRF attack?

    What are the common methods to prevent CSRF attacks?

    How do same-site cookies help prevent CSRF?

    Are there any tools to test for CSRF vulnerabilities?

    How does CSRF work?

    How can I identify if my application is vulnerable to CSRF?

    What is an anti-CSRF token?

    What role do HTTP headers play in CSRF prevention?

    Why is user awareness important in preventing CSRF?