Cross-site scripting

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) remains one of the most prevalent security vulnerabilities, allowing attackers to inject malicious scripts into web applications viewed by users. These attacks can lead to unauthorized access to user data, session hijacking, and other malicious activities. Understanding XSS, its variants, and implementing robust defense mechanisms are critical for developers and security teams to protect web applications from these threats.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) accounts for approximately 18% of all web application vulnerabilities. (Source: OWASP)
  • Over 65% of websites are estimated to be vulnerable to XSS attacks at any given time. (Source: Symantec)

Protecting your web applications from XSS attacks requires a proactive approach to security, incorporating both technical defenses and user education. Vectra AI offers advanced solutions to detect and respond to sophisticated web-based threats, including XSS attacks. Contact us to learn how we can help secure your digital assets and bolster your cybersecurity posture.


What is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)?

How can organizations detect XSS vulnerabilities?

How does Content Security Policy (CSP) help in mitigating XSS risks?

What role does user awareness play in defending against XSS?

Are there any frameworks or libraries that help prevent XSS?

What are the main types of XSS attacks?

What strategies can prevent XSS attacks?

Can HTTP cookies be secured against XSS attacks?

How should organizations respond to an XSS attack?

What long-term strategies should organizations adopt to combat XSS?