As cybersecurity threats evolve in complexity and stealth, relying solely on Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) may leave gaps in your organization's defense strategy. While EDR plays a critical role in monitoring and responding to threats at the endpoint level, it is not comprehensive.
  • A study by the Ponemon Institute reveals that organizations utilizing both EDR and NDR solutions report a 50% faster response time to threats compared to those using EDR alone.
  • A 2021 Study found 94% of the top 26 EDR solutions could be bypassed using at least one standard evasion method.

Despite AI and machine learning advancements, many EDR systems primarily use rule-based methods for identifying behaviors and patterns.

Network Detection and Response (NDR) complements EDR by providing visibility into network behaviors and anomalies, offering a more holistic approach to cybersecurity.

Understanding how EDR and NDR work together can empower your security teams to detect and respond to threats more effectively, ensuring a robust security posture.


What is Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)?

What are the limitations of EDR?

Why is combining EDR with NDR essential for security teams?

Can NDR detect threats that EDR cannot?

Why does EDR need to be combined with NDR to enhance threat hunting capabilities?

How does EDR detect malicious behavior?

What is the difference between EDR and NDR?

How do security teams measure the effectiveness of their EDR and NDR strategy?

How does EDR facilitate threat hunting?

Why is Vectra AI's approach to NDR considered more effective than traditional EDR solutions?