Investigative Workflow Integrations

Integrate Vectra AI with your SIEM

Bring the world's most advanced Attack Signal Intelligence to any dashboard.

How it Works

Refine your investigative workflow with AI-driven Attack Signal Intelligence

Export Vectra AI's entity scoring, network metadata or log output directly into your SIEM through standard Syslog or via API.

What it Does

Power your existing dashboard with Attack Signal Intelligence

With coverage for more than 90% of relevant MITRE ATT&CK techniques, only Vectra AI provides patented detection technology capable of stopping unknown attacks in minutes. And now, you can add it to virtually any dashboard.

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alert fidelity
fewer blindspots
Our Customers
Modernize your Security Team

When Fenaco Informatik needed to centralize security operations, they turned to the Vectra AI Platform’s workflow integrations.

“The integration between Vectra AI and Splunk was so simple. Now we look at Vectra AI for the most critical alerts and we send syslogs and metadata to Splunk for investigations.”

Gustavo Ricco
Security Operations Manager, Fenaco

Explore our investigative workflow integrations