Server-side request forgery

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) is a serious web security vulnerability that allows an attacker to manipulate a server into making unintended requests. For SOC teams, it's crucial to understand SSRF, its potential impacts, and the mitigation strategies to safeguard web applications.
  • According to a report by Positive Technologies, 35% of web applications tested were found to be vulnerable to SSRF attacks.
  • SSRF vulnerabilities were a significant factor in the high-profile Capital One data breach in 2019, exposing sensitive information of over 100 million customers.
  • What is Server-Side Request Forgery?

    Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) is a vulnerability where an attacker can trick a server into making unintended requests to internal or external resources. These requests are made from the server itself, which can have more privileges and access compared to a client-side request. SSRF can be exploited to gain access to internal systems, extract sensitive data, or conduct further attacks within the organization's network.

    How Server-Side Request Forgery attacks work

    An SSRF attack typically involves the following steps:

    1. Identification of Vulnerability: The attacker identifies a web application function that processes user-supplied URLs or can make HTTP requests.
    2. Crafting Malicious Request: The attacker crafts a request that includes a URL to an internal or sensitive resource.
    3. Exploiting the Vulnerability: The server processes the malicious request and makes the request to the specified URL.
    4. Accessing Sensitive Data: The server's request retrieves data from internal systems, which is then sent back to the attacker, leading to data leakage or unauthorized access.
    diagram illustrating the SSRF attack process

    Real-Life Examples of Server-Side Request Forgery Attacks

    1. Capital One Data Breach (2019): The attacker exploited an SSRF vulnerability to access sensitive information from AWS metadata services, resulting in the exposure of over 100 million customer records.
    2. GitHub SSRF Vulnerability (2020): A vulnerability in GitHub’s repository mirroring feature allowed attackers to trigger internal requests, potentially exposing internal services.

    Indicators of Server-Side Request Forgery Attacks

    1. Unusual Outgoing Traffic Patterns: Monitoring for unexpected outbound requests from the server to internal IP addresses or unexpected external domains can indicate an SSRF attack.
    2. Unexpected Access Logs: Access logs showing requests to internal services or resources that should not be accessible externally are a red flag.
    3. Anomalies in Server Responses: Responses that include internal metadata or sensitive information being returned to the user.

    Differences between Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

    Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) are two critical web security vulnerabilities that can have severe consequences if exploited. While both types of attacks involve manipulating web application behavior, they operate in fundamentally different ways and target different aspects of web applications. Understanding the differences between SSRF and CSRF is essential for SOC teams to implement appropriate security measures and protect their systems effectively.

    Below is a detailed comparison table highlighting the key differences between SSRF and CSRF:

    Aspect Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
    Definition SSRF is a vulnerability where an attacker manipulates a server to make unintended requests to internal or external resources. CSRF is a vulnerability where an attacker tricks an authenticated user into making unintended requests to a web application.
    Target The server itself, causing it to perform unauthorized actions on behalf of the attacker. The user's browser, exploiting the user's authenticated session with a web application.
    Attack Vector Directly manipulates server-side requests, often through user-supplied input that the server processes. Uses social engineering to trick users into clicking malicious links or visiting malicious websites that send requests on their behalf.
    Impact Can lead to unauthorized access to internal services, data exfiltration, and potentially severe internal network compromises. Can result in unauthorized actions such as changing user settings, making transactions, or posting content without user consent.
    Common Indicators Unusual outgoing traffic patterns, unexpected access logs to internal resources, and anomalies in server responses. Unexpected changes in user account settings, unexplained financial transactions, and abnormal activity logs.
    Prevention Strategies
    • Validate and sanitize user input
    • Restrict outbound requests
    • Network segmentation
    • Use security headers
    • Regular security audits
    • Use anti-CSRF tokens
    • SameSite cookie attribute
    • Re-authentication for sensitive actions
    • Educate users about suspicious links
    • Regular security testing

    Effective Prevention Strategies

    1. Input Validation and Sanitization:

    • Validate and sanitize all user inputs, ensuring that only permitted URLs and domains are allowed.
    • Implement strict whitelisting of URLs that the server can request, preventing any unintended destinations.

    2. Network Segmentation and Isolation:

    • Segment the network to ensure that web servers cannot directly access internal services without going through proper security checks.
    • Use firewalls and access control lists (ACLs) to restrict server access to sensitive internal resources.

    3. Use of Security Headers and Protocols:

    • Implement security headers such as Content Security Policy (CSP) to restrict the resources that can be loaded or requested by the application.
    • Enforce HTTPS to ensure encrypted communication between the server and external resources, mitigating the risk of data interception.

    4. Monitoring and Logging:

    • Continuously monitor outgoing traffic and log all server-side requests, particularly those to internal IP addresses or unexpected domains.
    • Use anomaly detection systems to identify unusual request patterns that could indicate an SSRF attempt.

    5. Regular Security Audits and Penetration Testing:

    • Conduct regular security audits and penetration tests to identify and address SSRF vulnerabilities.
    • Employ automated tools such as OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite, and SSRF-specific scanners to detect potential SSRF weaknesses.

    6. Least Privilege Principle:

    • Apply the principle of least privilege, ensuring that the web application has minimal permissions required to perform its functions.
    • Restrict server capabilities to make external requests only when absolutely necessary.

    Ensuring your web applications are secure against SSRF attacks is vital for maintaining data integrity and protecting sensitive information. If you're concerned about SSRF vulnerabilities in your applications, our team at Vectra AI can help. Get a free tour of the Vectra AI Platform to find out how we can assist you in fortifying your defenses against SSRF and other cyber threats.


    What is Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)?

    What are the common indicators of an SSRF attack?

    How can SSRF be prevented?

    How does input validation help in preventing SSRF?

    How can security headers help in mitigating SSRF?

    How does an SSRF attack work?

    What are some examples of SSRF attacks?

    What is the impact of an SSRF vulnerability?

    What role does network segmentation play in SSRF mitigation?

    What tools can be used to detect SSRF vulnerabilities?