Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) is a standardized list of publicly known cybersecurity vulnerabilities and exposures. The CVE system is essential for SOC teams to identify, prioritize, and mitigate security risks effectively.
  • The CVE List has grown significantly over the years, with thousands of new CVEs being added annually, reflecting the increasing discovery and reporting of vulnerabilities.
  • According to a study by the Ponemon Institute, organizations that actively manage and remediate CVEs reduce their risk of a data breach by up to 20%.

What is a vulnerability?

A vulnerability in cybersecurity is a weakness or flaw in a system, software, or network that can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access, disrupt operations, or steal sensitive information. Vulnerabilities can arise from various sources, such as software bugs, misconfigurations, or inadequate security practices. Identifying and addressing vulnerabilities is crucial for maintaining the integrity and security of an organization's digital assets.

What are Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)

The CVE system provides a reference-method for publicly known information-security vulnerabilities and exposures. Each CVE entry includes an identification number, a description, and at least one public reference, making it easier for security teams to share data across separate vulnerability capabilities, such as tools, repositories, and services.

Importance of CVE

  • Standardization: Provides a common reference for discussing and addressing vulnerabilities.
  • Prioritization: Helps in assessing the severity and potential impact of vulnerabilities.
  • Efficiency: Streamlines communication and collaboration among security teams and organizations.

Common Vulnerabilities and Their Impact

Below is an updated table listing common vulnerabilities, including their descriptions, reasons why attackers use them, severity levels, and examples of famous CVE references.

Tool Name Description Why Would the Attacker Use It? Severity Level Examples (CVE)

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Injecting malicious scripts into web pages. Session hijacking, defacement, data theft. High CVE-2020-11022, CVE-2019-11358

Directory Traversal

Accessing files outside the web root folder. Reading sensitive files, executing code. Medium CVE-2020-11651, CVE-2019-16759

Local File Inclusion (LFI)

Allows access to files on the server. Reading sensitive files, executing code. High CVE-2020-13092, CVE-2018-19788

Remote Code Execution (RCE)

Allows attackers to run arbitrary code on a server. Complete system takeover, execution of any command. Critical CVE-2020-0601, CVE-2019-19781

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

Forcing a server to make unauthorized requests. Network reconnaissance, accessing internal systems. High CVE-2020-14026, CVE-2020-1959

Source Code Disclosure

Exposing the source code of an application. Identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in the code. Medium CVE-2020-26250, CVE-2019-18935

SQL Injection (SQLi)

Injecting malicious SQL queries via input fields. Unauthorized access, data manipulation, or deletion. Critical CVE-2020-29064, CVE-2019-15107

Vulnerable JavaScript Libraries

Using outdated JavaScript libraries with known vulnerabilities. Exploiting known vulnerabilities to execute attacks. Medium CVE-2020-7660, CVE-2019-11358

Weak Passwords

Using easily guessable passwords. Brute force attacks, unauthorized access. Low CVE-2020-10977, CVE-2019-6110

How Vectra AI Can Help

Vectra AI's platform enhances your ability to manage Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures by providing advanced threat detection and behavioral analytics. Our solution helps you identify, prioritize, and mitigate vulnerabilities efficiently. We encourage you to watch a self-guided demo of the Vectra AI platform to see how it can benefit your organization.


What Are Vulnerabilities?

How Are CVEs Identified and Cataloged?

How Can Security Teams Leverage CVE Information?

How Are CVEs Prioritized for Remediation?

How Do CVEs Relate to Compliance and Regulatory Requirements?

What Is a Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE)?

Why Are CVEs Critical for Security Teams?

What Role Does Vectra AI Play in CVE Management?

Can CVEs Be Used to Predict Future Cybersecurity Threats?

What Are the Challenges Associated with Managing CVEs?