Cyberattack Bulletin: Attackers Don’t Hack In—They Log In: The MFA Blind Spot >
Vectra AIは、このたび、人工知能(AI)を活用してサイバーセキュリティを強化する方法について革新的なアイデアを持つ世界17か国の高校生、大学生、大学院生を対象とした奨学金プログラム「Vectra AI奨学金プログラムの開始を発表しました。
ハイブリッドおよびマルチクラウド企業向けのAIによる拡張検知とレスポンス (NDRおよびXDR)であるVectra AIはこのたび、Vectra AIプラットフォームを拡張することで、Microsoft Azure環境を導入している当社のお客様のセキュリティ対策を包括的にカバーすることを発表しました。
ハイブリッドおよびマルチクラウド企業向けのAIによる拡張検知とレスポンス (NDRおよびXDR)であるVectra AI(本社:カリフォルニア州サンノゼ、CEO:ヒテッシュ・セス)は、このたび「2024年サイバー脅威の検知とレスポンスに関する調査報告書:防衛者のジレンマ」(英文)を発表しました。
Vectra AI(本社:カリフォルニア州サンノゼ、CEO:ヒテッシュ・セス)は、米国時間2024年9月12日に、2024年のGartner 社が運営するGartner Peer Insights™ の「Voice of the Customer for Network Detection and Response(NDR)」において、9社のプロバイダーの中で唯一Customers' Choiceに選ばれたと発表しました。
Vectra AI Japanは、日本の独立系ITコンサルティング・調査会社、株式会社アイ・ティ・アールが2024年6月に発行した、市場調査レポート「ITR Market View:情報漏洩対策市場2024」のNDR市場で、国内NDR市場シェアが35.7%(2023年度予測)となりました。
静岡県浜松市を中心に鉄道やバスなどの運輸事業から総合生活産業として事業を展開する遠鉄グループ株式会社がグループ全体のネットワークセキュリティ強化のためにVectra AIのNDR (ネットワーク検知・対応) ソリューションを採用したと発表しました。
Vectra AI Japan株式会社は、このたび、国内における情報セキュリティ分野のリーディング企業である株式会社ラックとパートナー契約を締結し、「JSOC MSS NDR監視運用 for Vectra AI」の提供を開始したと発表しました。
ハイブリッドおよびマルチクラウド企業向けのAI主導型サイバー脅威検知・対応のパイオニアであるVectra AI(本社:カリフォルニア州サンノゼ、CEO:ヒテッシュ・セス)は、米国時間2月15日に、サイバー攻撃と詐欺を合わせた「ハイブリッド攻撃」を防御するために構築された、業界初(*自社調べ)のオープンなMXDR、Vectra MXDR(Managed Extended Detection and Response)サービスを全世界に向けて提供すると発表しました。
ハイブリッドおよびマルチクラウド企業向けのAI主導型サイバー脅威検知・対応のパイオニアであるVectra AI(本社:カリフォルニア州サンノゼ、CEO:ヒテッシュ・セス)は米国時間 2023年11月9日、AWS環境向けに強化されたクラウド検知・対応(CDR)により、Vectra AI Platformが進化したことを発表しました。Vectra AIの特許取得済みAttack Signal Intelligenceを搭載したAWS向けVectra CDRは、ネットワーク、クラウド、アイデンティティの各領域にまたがるハイブリッド攻撃のリアルタイムで統合されたアタック・シグナルにより、セキュリティ・オペレーション・センター(SOC)チームの支援を強化します。
Vectra AIは米国時間 2023年8月8日、特許取得済みのアタックシグナルインテリジェンス(Attack SignalIntelligence™)を搭載した、「Vectra AI Platform」を発表しました。Vectra AI Platformを導入すれば、企業はVectra AIによるパブリッククラウド、アイデンティティ、SaaS、ネットワークシグナルを既存のエンドポイント検知・対応(EDR)シグナルと統合できるため、セキュリティオペレーションセンター(SOC)チームは、ますます高度化、高速化、大規模化するハイブリッド型攻撃に対応することが可能になります。
日本法人Vectra AI Japan株式会社(住所:東京都新宿区 代表者:デービッド・サジョト)は、独立系ITコンサルティング・調査会社の株式会社アイ・ティ・アールが発行した市場調査レポート「ITR Market View:情報漏洩対策市場2023」(2023年5月発行)のNDR(ネットワーク検知・対応ソリューション)市場部門において、高い成長率を記録し、国内NDR市場のシェアは32.6%の1位を獲得しました。(数字はITRによる推定値)
The Vectra AI Scholars Program will empower students to develop creative solutions that harness the power of AI to identify patterns of attacker behavior across the expanding hybrid attack surface
Vectra NDR is powered by Attack Signal Intelligence to cut through alert noise and stop attacks early
Découvrez les 5 prédictions de Vectra AI sur l’IA et la cybersécurité pour 2025 : défis, avancées et stratégies pour SOCs.
Lumifi to integrate the Vectra AI Platform into service offerings, providing AI-powered detections to stop attacks
El-khayat wird die Partner von Vectra AI mit erweiterten Ressourcen, Programmen sowie Support für einen schnelleren Erfolg in EMEA unterstützen
Grâce à de nouvelles fonctionnalités, Vectra AI permet de détecter les attaques ciblant les les services Microsoft Azure et Microsoft Copilot
Vectra AI fügt KI-gestützte Erkennungsfunktionen hinzu, die das Verhalten von Angreifern aufdecken, die auf Microsoft Azure-Cloud-Dienste und Microsoft Copilot abzielen, und bietet so dringend benötigte Verstärkung für die nativen Tools der Kunden
Vectra AI adds AI-powered detections that expose attacker behaviors targeting Microsoft Azure cloud services and Microsoft Copilot delivering much needed reinforcements for customers’ native tools
Axé sur une démarche commerciale toujours plus innovante, Vectra AI élargit ses offres de distribution et ajoute un programme dédié à la communauté des MSSP dans l’objectif de rendre toujours plus simple la distribution de ses solutions XDR.
Report finds 60% of SOC practitioners say security vendors flood them with pointless alerts to avoid responsibility for a breach, with 47% noting they do not trust their tools to work the way they need them to work
Focused on business innovation and its dedication to channel strategy, Vectra AI enhances its program offerings for the MSSP community to help partners deliver best-in-class XDR solutions
Vectra AI, Inc., the leader in AI-driven XDR (extended detection and response), today announced it has been recognized as the only Customers' Choice in the 2024 Gartner Peer Insights™ Voice of the Customer for Network Detection and Response among eight other providers.
Vectra AI, Inc., the leader in AI-driven XDR (extended detection and response), today announced the expansion of its Vectra AI Platform, which now equips security operations center (SOC) teams with active posture to proactively discover and pinpoint where their hybrid environment is exposed to attackers. With this expansion, Vectra AI Platform’s patented Attack Signal Intelligence™ now provides a holistic view with analytics to discover, deter, detect, and disrupt hybrid attackers.
En tant que CFO de Vectra AI, Sailesh Munagala mettra à profit son expérience de direction des opérations financières chez Google, Palo Alto Networks et Relativity pour impulser l'expansion et l'innovation de l'entreprise.
As Vectra AI’s CFO, Sailesh Munagala will utilize previous experience leading financial operations at Google, Palo Alto Networks and Relativity to drive company expansion and innovation
Le leader du XDR introduit des fonctionnalités innovantes de détection et de réponse aux menaces pour se protéger contre les attaques ciblant Microsoft Copilot pour Microsoft 365.
Vectra AI, Inc., the leader in hybrid attack detection, investigation and response, today announced the integration of Vectra AI Attack Signal Intelligence™ with CrowdStrike Falcon® Next Gen SIEM. This expands existing CrowdStrike and Vectra AI integrations to provide security operations center (SOC) leaders, architects, engineers and analysts a clear path to replace their complex, costly, inefficient and ineffective legacy security information and event management (SIEM) with a modern detection and response platform designed for the hybrid enterprise.
The XDR leader introduces pioneering threat detection and response capabilities to protect against attacks targeting Microsoft Copilot for M365
Vectra AI appoints Jeff Reed as Chief Product Officer to propel the company’s impact on AI in cybersecurity
Vectra AI integrates Gigamon network intelligence and traffic analytics extending hybrid attack detection and response
New offering removes latency, maximizes security team talent, and reduces exposure while improving security posture across organizations.
Based on their record of business innovation and dedication to the partner community, two Vectra AI executives honored as CRN Channel Chiefs for the second consecutive year
Vectra AI announced its Partner of the Year Awards — an annual recognition program that honors the company's top-performing partners who have demonstrated exceptional performance, commitment and results in promoting and selling Vectra AI's solutions.
The Vectra AI Platform Extends Attack Coverage, Signal Clarity and Intelligent Controls for AWS to Arm SOC Teams to Move at the Speed and Scale of Hybrid Attackers.
Australia, 9th November 2023 — Vectra AI, the leader in hybrid attack detection, investigation and response, today announced the appointment of Orca Technology (Orca Tech) as a distributor in Australia further strengthening its partner ecosystem across the region.
We are happy to announce that the United States Navy has added Vectra AI to the Department of the Navy (DoN) Application and Database Management System (DADMS) list.
The October 4, 2023 virtual event will feature cutting-edge research, emerging attacker tradecraft, and AI-driven defense strategies against modern hybrid threats
New CrowdStrike Marketplace delivers one-stop shop to reduce risk and cybersecurity stack complexity on the Falcon platform
Cost-effective, compact PacSta tactical communications systems to support Vectra AI for cyber hunt operations to detect the unknown unknown.
Vectra AI Appoints Scott Dussault as Chief Financial Officer
Vectra AI Platform arms security operations centers (SOC) with the integrated signal to deliver extended detection and response (XDR) for hybrid attacks at speed and scale
Former AWS and Dynatrace leader brings deep enterprise and customer experience to take on new role in cybersecurity.
Vectra AI, the pioneer of AI-driven cyberthreat detection and response for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprises, todayannounced the findings of its 2023 State of Threat Detection Research Report, providing insight into the“spiral of more' that is preventing security operations center (SOC) teams fromeffectively securing their organizations from cyberattacks.
Vectra AI, the leader in security AI-driven cyber threat detection and response for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprises, today announced the appointment of Myrna Soto, founder and CEO of Apogee Executive Advisors and David Reilly, former CIO and CTO of Bank of America to its board of directors.
As an AWS Security Competency Partner, Vectra's support of Amazon Security Lake continues to advance its capabilities and proven customer success when further safeguarding AWS environments.
Vectra AI, the leader in Security AI-driven cyber threat detection and response for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprises, today announced it won the Security Customer Champion award in the Microsoft Security Excellence Awards 2023.
Top partners continue to demonstrate exceptional performance and expertise across Vectra AI solutions.
Vectra AI, the leader in Security AI-driven cyber threat detection and response for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprises, today announced it is a Security Customer Champion award finalist in the Microsoft Security Excellence Awards.
Top cybersecurity leaders and practitioners set to discuss how the role of AI in cybersecurity is transforming the SOC in ways never thought possible.
Vectra AI, the leader in AI-driven hybrid cloud threat detection and response, today announced the introduction of Vectra Match. Vectra Match brings intrusion detection signature context to Vectra Network Detection and Response (NDR), enabling security teams to accelerate their evolution to AI-driven threat detection and response without sacrificing investments already made in signatures.
Vectra recognized by CRN for outstanding channel-focused security offerings.
Vectra channel leaders earn recognition from CRN for continued work with helping partners and customers navigate complex cybersecurity challenges.
New hire will build on Vectra's vision to improve customer Attack Signal Intelligence and mitigate today's advanced cyber threats.
Tesorion, the largest, 100% Dutch, independent cybersecurity service provider, has named Vectra as strategic partner for advanced Network Detection and Response (NDR).
KPMG has added the Vectra cloud-based threat detection and response platform to their Cyber Operations solutions and services.The Vectra solution gives clients 24/7 internal security monitoring in realtime, leveraging Attack Signal Intelligence and AI-driven threat intelligence.These state-of-the-art features provide clients with high-fidelity alerts for efficacious and actionable security detection.
Vectra's AI-driven cybersecurity threatdetection and response platform provides increased visibility to securecritical data and digital communications.
Vectra AI, the leader in Security AI-driven hybrid cloud threat detection and response, today announced a new strategic partnership with NEC Asia Pacific (NEC APAC), the regional headquarters for NEC Corporation in Southeast Asia.
Research reveals today's organizations face skyrocketing workloads, increasingly sophisticated threats, and poor threat visibility – leading to multiple breaches for 45% of them
SINGAPORE, November 23, 2022 — Vectra AI, the leader in Security AI-driven hybrid cloud threat detection and response has announced the appointment of Truvisor as a distributor in Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand, as part of plans to drive growth through the channel.
Embracing shared responsibility, Vectra MDR reinforces customers' SOC teams with 24/7/365 skills and expertise to mitigate today's most advanced cyber threats.
Vectra AI, the leader in SecurityAI-driven hybrid cloud threat detection and response, today announced Attack Signal Intelligence – groundbreaking technology that automates threat detection, triage and prioritization for SOC teams.
Vectra AI, the leader in AI-driven cyberthreat detection and response for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprises, today announced record growth in the first half of 2022 with a triple digit rise on a year-over-year basis, compared to the same period in 2021.
The Vectra platform was recognized with the'Best Threat Detection Technology' and'Best Threat Intelligence Technology' in this year's awards. Vectra optimizes Security AI to understand attacker behaviors across public cloud, identity, SaaS applications, and networks, enabling security teams to detect, prioritize, investigate and respond to threats in real-time.
Vectra AI, the leader in AI-driven cyber threat detection and response for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprises, today announced the addition of Myrna Soto to its team, who will act as a key advisor to the company's leadership team and board of directors.
Vectra's new appointments will look to expand relationships with customers and partners while building on existing EMEA momentum.
Marketing expert Tommy Jenkins will drive company's global brand awareness and grow market presence
Standout Achievement Demonstrates the Company's Technical Proficiency and Customer Success in Threat Detection and Response in AWS
Vectra AI, a leader in AI-driven threat detection and response for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprises, today announced that it has won the best behaviour analytics/enterprise threat detection category at the 2022 SC Media Awards Europe.
Vectra AI, a leader in AI-driven threat detection and response for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprises, today announced the launch of Vectra Protect, a posture management tool designed to discover and mitigate security risks in Microsoft 365 (M365).
Vectra AI, a leader in AI-driven threat detection and response for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprises, today announced that the company has been named a finalist in the Security Independent Software Vendor (ISV) of the Year category of the Microsoft Security Excellence Awards.
Vectra AI, a leader in AI-driven threat detection and response for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprises, today released the findings of its latest Security Leaders Research Report.
Vectra AI, a leader in AI-driven threat detection and response for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprises, today announced the deployment of a new Security Operations Center As a Service (SOCaaS), powered by Neutron Engineering and the Vectra platform.
New research shows mounting pressure and skills shortages are driving security pros to the edge, with half ready to throw in the towel and two fifths having to seek medical help for stress.
Company's global footprint and go-to-market strategy expands with industry leader at the helm.
Vectra AI, a leader in AI-driven threat detection and response for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprises, today announced the winners of its inaugural Partner of the Year Awards.
Vectra AI, a leader in AI-driven threat detection and response for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprises, today announced that the company has received a prestigious 5-star rating from CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, in its 2022 Partner Program Guide.
Vectra AI, a leader in AI-driven threat detection and response for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprises, today announced the appointment of David Sajoto as Vice President, Asia-Pacific and Japan (APJ).
Vectra AI, a leader in threat detection and response, today announced the winners of their 2021 "Partner of the Year" awards. The awards emphasise the importance of Vectra's partners, who are essential to the company's success in the United Kingdom and beyond.
Leading cyber defender Vectra AI offers free Security Support Services against sophisticated attacks associated with the Ukraine war. Read now!
Industry veteran Willem Hendrickx is appointed CRO of Vectra AI. His expertise will help to drive the growth and diversification of the business.
Held on the sidelines of the LEAP conference in Saudi Arabia, the event singled out distributors, resellers and SIs from across the Middle East, Turkey, and North Africa (METNA) for their commitment to Vectra's vision
Vectra AI, a leader in AI-driven threat detection and response, today announced it has acquired Siriux Security Technologies, a leading provider of identity and software as a service (SaaS) posture management...
Research shows game needs to be changed,' with security innovation years behind that of the attackers, the board a decade behind security discussions and regulation needing more industry input.Vectra AI today released a new report highlighting how today's organisations are tackling complex, modern cyberthreats.
Microsoft Azure customers worldwide now gain access to the expanded Vectra AI threat detection and response platform for Azure Sentinel to take advantage of the scalability, reliability, and agility of Azure to shape business strategies.Vectra AI announced the availability of Vectra Detect in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, an online store providing applications and services for use on Microsoft Azure.
New report finds 100%of companies have experienced a security incident, but continue to expand theirfootprint as 64% report deploying new AWS services weekly.Vectra AI released the findings of the PaaS& IaaS Security Survey Report. The report compiled the answers of 317 IT executives all using AWS, 70% coming from organization of 1,000+ employees. The findings show a rapid expansion and reliance on AWS services while simultaneously showcasing security blind spots within many organizations.
Vectra AI announced that the Vectra Cognito platform delivers key Zero Trust capabilities for Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Azure customers.
Vectra launches one of the first cloud-native unified real-time threat detection and response SaaS solutions for global AWS environmentsVectra AI announced the introduction of Vectra Detect for Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS). Detect for AWS is a cloud-native SaaS solution that provides continuous, scalable agentless threat detection, prioritization, investigation, and response to attacks targeting applications running on AWS, as well as users, compute, and storage instances, including the use on AWS of the control plane itself.
Vectra AI announced that it has joined the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association (MISA). MISA is an ecosystem of independent software vendors and managed security service providers currently spearheading enterprise defense against the latest cyber threats.
New Security Research Shows How Security Teams Can Avoid Costly Cyberattacks by Utilizing the Right Data and Meaningful Artificial IntelligenceVectra AI released its 2021 Q2 Spotlight Report, Vision and Visibility: Top 10 Threat Detections for Microsoft Azure AD and Office 365. This new research details the top 10 threat detections that customers receive by relative frequency when Vectra detects abnormal behavior in a customer environment, which are then used by customers to help ratify attacks in cloud environments.
Comprehensive Zero Trust architecture prevents attack methods emerging from the remote, cloud-based workforceVectra AI announced a deep product integration with Zscaler Private Access™ (ZPA) to provide end-to-end access visibility and protection from remote workers to business-critical applications.
Vectra AI is delighted to announce its appointment to deliver behavioural detection and response capabilities for growing Australian telecommunications company Superloop through its partnership with Baidam Solutions.
Easy access to AI-driven threat detection and response technology to stop attackers no matter their entry pointVectra AI announced the availability of its Cognito platform is now available for purchase in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace. AWS customers worldwide can now employ Vectra's suite of solutions through their AWS Enterprise Discount Plan for seamless procurement at a reduced rate.
Streamlined deployment of industry-leading threat detection and response platform to secure organizations from the endpoint, across the network, to cloudVectra AI announced the availability of its Cognito platform in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, an online store providing applications and services for use on Microsoft Azure. Organizations interested in using the Vectra Cognito platform across cloud, data center, networks and IoT/OT can now test or purchase Cognito on Azure Marketplace using their pre-existing agreements with Microsoft.
Investment will fuel research and development to secure the cloud using AI-driven threat detection and response and global expansionVectra AI announced a $130 million round of funding led by funds managed by Blackstone Growth (BXG,'Blackstone Growth'). The investment will help fuel Vectra's continued growth through platform innovation and expansion into new markets and geographies, solidifying its Cognito platform as a market-leading solution for artificial intelligence (AI)-driven cloud security for threat detection and response.
Deep platform and UI-based integrations with VMware Carbon Black, SentinelOne, and FireEye streamline automated response, stopping attacks in real-time from the endpoint, across the network, to cloud Vectra AI released extended endpoint detection and response (EDR) native integration support in the Cognito platform to enhance the user experience for the security tools and procedures already deployed in their arsenal.
Vectra AI today announced that it has received a 5-star rating from CRN, a brand of The Channel Company, in its 2021 Partner Program Guide.
Managers and SOC teams have very different levels of confidence in their organization's exposure to cyber riskVectra AI released its global survey of 1,112 security professionals working in mid to large sized organizations using Microsoft Office 365. The results confirm that the global pandemic has accelerated cloud migration and digital transformation amongst 88% of companies and that 71% of Microsoft Office 365 deployments have suffered an account takeover of a legitimate user's account, not on average seven times in the last year.
Vectra AI announced it has successfully completed its Service Organization Control (SOC 2) Type 2 certification for its Cognito Detect and Cognito Recall cloud and enterprise software, a milestone for the company and the NDR industry.
Vectra AI today announced that it has joined the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), the world's leading organization dedicated to defining and raising awareness of best practices to help ensure a secure cloud computing environment.
Accelerated demand to secure cloud-based applications propels momentumVectra AI reported that in calendar 2020 sales continued to grow at a compound annual rate exceeding 100 percent and sales of Cognito Detect™ for Microsoft Office 365 accelerated, growing at a rate of 340%.
Answers industry need for universal SaaS coverage with cloud-to-ground data controlVectra AI announced enhanced cloud identity detection capabilities using Azure AD within its Cognito Detect for Office 365. By integrating at the identity layer, Vectra gives complete cloud-to-ground security coverage over an organization's entire SaaS ecosystem. This single configuration effectively puts an end to lateral movement between ground and cloud.
Newest addition to Vectra leadership team focused on building MSSP offering and supporting channel partner network Vectra announced the appointment of Jerome Jullien as Vice President of International Partner Sales to its leadership team. With more than 25 years' experience, Jerome brings a strong track record of building successful business models for the Channel and will play a key role in managing and driving sales via the Vectra partner ecosystem.
Vectra is first to use cloud identities to track and link interactions between hosts and accounts across the entire networkVectra announced broader and deeper cloud capabilities to track and link accounts and data in hybrid environments.
Veale's appointment bolsters the Vectra European team to meet demand from the thriving NDR marketVectra announced the appointment of Garry Veale as regional director for the United Kingdom and Ireland, following another calendar quarter of exceptional business growth. As NDR continues to gain momentum and recognition as essential to business security operations and incident response, Veale will play a pivotal role in driving the continued success of Vectra expansion across the region.
Account Lockdown feature empowers customers to eliminate threat progression through the attack lifecycleVectra announced expanded response capabilities for its flagship product, Cognito Detect™ using its Lockdown feature, made possible by integrating with CrowdStrike® Falcon Insight, CrowdStrike's industry-leading endpoint and detection and response solution.
Vectra, a leader in network threat detection and response (NDR), today released its 2020 Spotlight Report on Microsoft Office 365, which highlights the use of Office 365 in enterprise cyberattacks. The report explains how cybercriminals use built-in Office 365 services in their attacks.
Accelerates enterprise use of AI-powered network detection and response on global scaleVectra announced a range of new advisory and operational cybersecurity services that enable enterprises to increase security operations efficiency and significantly reduce the risk of data breaches.
Integration with Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)Further Extends Vectra Automated Enforcement Capabilities to Enable SOCs to StopOngoing Attacks in Real-timeNew product integration with Microsoft Defender ATP enables Cognito to deliver well-coordinated instantaneous responses giving customers the ability to block and isolate attackers.
New channel sales strategy accommodates extraordinary market momentum of network threat detection and responseVectra unveiled its modernized global channel partner program which significantly upgrades the overall framework, increases investment in partner relationships on a massive scale, and allows partners to drive their business, while Vectra focuses on ensuring customer success.
Spotlight Report on Healthcare discredits the widely held belief that external threats would lead to an increase in data breaches during the COVID-19 pandemicVectra today released its 2020 Spotlight Report on Healthcare, which shows an upward trend in exploitable behaviors and discredits claims that external threats would lead to increased internal threat activity. The latestSpotlight Report on Healthcare is based on observations and data fromJanuary-May of this year using a sample of 363 opt-in enterprise organizations in healthcare and eight other industries.
Industry Veteran to Lead Worldwide Sales, Channels and Customer Service Teams, Propelling Global ExpansionVectra announced the appointment of Marc Gemassmer as Chief Revenue Officer (CRO), a newly established position within the company's leadership team. Marc joins Vectra following another quarter of exceptional growth and will play a pivotal role in the continued success of the company's global expansion. With over 20 years of experience, predominately in software sales, Marc has a proven track record of driving strong revenue growth in the enterprise market.
Product Integration Reduces SOC Workload and Amplifies Accurate Response, Vectra to Join Microsoft Intelligent Security AssociationVectra announces deep product integration with MicrosoftDefender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) and Microsoft Azure Sentinel to elevate Vectra's unique NDR detections to the Microsoft security platform in the Security OperationsCenter (SOC) enabling more capability to prevent attackers from establishing footholds across enterprise networks.
Vectra research highlights need to continuously monitor account behaviors once access to a network has been granted
Vectra Wins Next Gen Cloud Security and Next Gen Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Awards in 8th Annual InfoSec Awards at #RSAC 2020Vectra is proud to announce we have won the following awards from Cyber Defense Magazine (CDM), the industry's leading electronic information security magazine:<ul><li>Next Gen Cloud Security</li><li>Next Gen Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning</li></ul>
Chronicle correlates telemetry from Vectra's Cognito platform to deliver threat detection, investigation, and huntingVectra has joined the Chronicle Index Partner program as part of a broader industry effort to help customers improve visibility of and response to cyber threats. Chronicle's global security analytics platform is designed to help enterprise customers analyze their security telemetry to detect, investigate, and hunt for advanced threats, at the speed of search. By joining the Index Partner program, Vectra will work to integrate its products with the Chronicle platform, so that joint customers can better defend themselves against a variety of cyber attacks.
Vectra Becomes the First and Only NDR Solution to Take an Identity-Based Approach to Security EnforcementCyber risk continues to run rampant as security teams struggle with alert fatigue and degrading efficiency as they attempt to keep pace with high volume, indiscriminate signals that steal time and energy from threat mitigation. To compound the issue, even when high priority signals can be surfaced, organizations lack the tools to precisely take action against ongoing attacks. To help organizations securely and successfully protect their network, Vectra AI today announced the release of Account Lockdown, the first NDR solution to confront enforcement based on prioritized, high fidelity attacker behaviors and surgical, identity-based enforcement action.
As Account Takeovers Continue for Office 365, controlling Risk Remains the Top Concern for Organizations Adopting Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) ModelsCredential abuse is the leading attack vector in SaaS, especially for Office 365. In an effort to help organizations securely and successfully protect their applications, Vectra AI is announcing the launch of Cognito Detect for Office 365. Backed by new detection models focused on credentials and privilege in SaaS applications, Vectra expands cloud coverage from Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and extends the ability to track attacker activity pivoting between on-premise, data center, IaaS and SaaS. Given that attackers don't operate in silos, a security solution shouldn't either. Vectra delivers the complete visibility across your deployment footprint that leaves attackers without a place to hide.
Hendrickx focused on accelerating success for channel partners and technology ecosystems partnershipsVectra AI today announced the appointment of seasoned sales executive Willem Hendrickx as Vice President of International Sales to its leadership team. With more than 25 years' experience in Enterprise technology, Willem brings a strong track record of delivering high-value results and developing strategic business partnerships and will be an integral part of the Vectra team as it continues to expand operations across EMEA and APAC.
Vectra protects cloud deployments in AWS and is now available in the AWS MarketplaceVectra today announced that its award-winning cybersecurity platform integrates AI-driven attacker detections, threat hunting and incident investigations with Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Ingress Routing. The Vectra platform is now available in the AWS Marketplace.
Commodities trader finds the sweet spot to expose hidden attackers, spot privilege misuse and perform conclusive incident investigationsVectra today announced that ED&F Man selected the Cognito network detection and response platform from Vectra to expose attackers hidden inside its network, spot privilege misuse and perform conclusive incident investigations. A $10 billion company, ED&F Man trades sugar, coffee, molasses, and animal feed and helps customers and suppliers hedge commodity pricing risk.
Industry leaders will enable operational scaling and drive global market presence as the company pursues rapid growthVectra today announced the addition of two executives to senior leadership roles that will be instrumental in driving customer satisfaction and further global business growth. Jennifer Geisler joins as chief marketing officer (CMO) and Jodi Sutton as vice president of business operations.
Vectra today announced that it is expanding business operations in the Middle East to arm enterprise organizations and managed detection-and-response providers with a platform to stop in-progress cyberattacks in the cloud.
Vectra today announced that Privileged Access Analytics (PAA) are available with the Cognito platform to monitor the interactions between user accounts,services and hosts, and provide continuous visibility and assessment of privileges required to enforce zero trust.
Vectra today announced that it has established business operations in the Asia-Pacific region to arm enterprise organisations and managed detection and response providers with a platform to stop in-progress cyberattacks in the cloud.
Vectra today disclosed that cybercriminals' most effective weapon in a ransomware attack is the network itself, which enables the malicious encryption of shared files on network servers, especially files stored in infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) cloud providers.
Vectra was named a Representative Vendor in the 2019 Gartner Market Guide for Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems. According to the Market Guide,'IDPS offers the best detection efficacy and performance network security, but firewalls are absorbing IDPS on the perimeter. Security and risk management leaders should seek innovation in advanced analytics, augmenting vulnerability management and internal segmentation from their IDPS solution.'
Vectra today announced that its Cognito platform now features Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) traffic mirroring and integration with the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Security Hub. Enterprises can now natively run the Cognito platform in AWS environments to rapidly detect and respond to cyberthreats in the cloud.
Vectra today announced that Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP selected the Cognito AI-driven network detection and response platform from Vectra to gain 360-degree visibility into unknown and hidden threats that could otherwise compromise client confidentiality. Anthony Collins Solicitors is a specialist law firm with a strong mission of social purpose. It has offices in Birmingham and Manchester, England.
Vectra today closed a $100 million round of funding led by TCV, one of the largest growth equity firms backing private and public technology companies. Existing investors also participated in the funding round, bringing the company's total funding to date to more than $200 million.
Vectra today announced that its Cognito network detection and response platform has been named the winner of the Incident Response award by the Business Intelligence Group's annual Fortress Cyber Security Awards.
Vectra today announced that the proliferation of healthcare internet-of-things (IoT) devices, along with unpartitioned networks, insufficient access controls and the reliance on legacy systems, has exposed a vulnerable attack surface that can be exploited by cybercriminals determined to steal personally identifiable information (PII) and protected health information (PHI), in addition to disrupting healthcare delivery processes.
<a href="#" data-rt-link-type="external">Vectra has been identified as a Representative Vendor in the inaugural <a href="" data-rt-link-type="external">Gartner Market Guide for Network Traffic Analysis report. The report provides a detailed overview of the market and analyzes Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) vendors to be considered by global security and risk management leaders.
Vectra today announced that Ardagh Group selected the Cognito network detection and response platform from Vectra to expose attackers hidden inside its network and perform conclusive incident investigations. Ardagh Group makes metal and glass packaging for the world's biggest brands, producing 35 billion containers a year for food, beverages, spirits and pharmaceuticals.
Vectra has been named a winner in the'Limited Memory' category of the 2019 Artificial Intelligence Excellence Awards. These awards aim to recognize revolutionary organizations, products and people who are solving real problems through the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI).
Interdata and Vectra announced a partnership that enables Interdata's commercial, public sector and service provider customers to detect attackers in real time and perform conclusive incident investigations.
Access42 and Vectra announced a partnership that enables Access42 and its customers to automate threat hunting, expose hidden attackers and empower threat hunters.
Vectra announced that the company has been named a winner in Cyber Defense Magazine's annual InfoSec Awards. Cyber Defense Magazine celebrates its seventh year of honoring InfoSec leaders who leverage cutting-edge knowledge to solve problems in information security by evaluating companies and their products for the best security innovators.
Vectra today announced the immediate availability of Cognito® Stream™, delivering enterprise-scale network metadata in Zeek format enriched with security insights to empower threat hunters and incident investigators by leveraging existing software tooling.
Vectra today announced that CRN, a brand of The Channel Company, has named the company to its annual Security 100 list. This list recognizes the coolest security vendors in each of five categories: Endpoint Security; Identity Management and Data Protection; Network Security; SIEM, Risk and Threat Intelligence; and Web, Email and Application Security.
CB Insights named Vectra to the third annual AI 100 ranking, showcasing the 100 most promising private artificial intelligence (AI) companies in the world. In addition to disrupting core sectors including healthcare, telecommunications, semiconductor, government, retail, and finance, the 2019 AI 100 companies are revamping the broader enterprise tech stack.
SecureLink today announces the immediate launch of its SecureDetect Network service. This cutting-edge Managed Detection and Response (MDR) capability is ideal for organizations requiring real-time detection and response to hidden cyberattacks and AI-assisted threat hunting. SecureLink will leverage the Cognito AI platform from Vectra to power this new service.
Vectra today announced that DZ BANK selected its Cognito cyberattack-detection and threat-hunting platform to reveal hidden attackers inside its network.
Vectra today announced that it grew annual recurring revenue in 2018 by 104%, compared to 2017. New product introductions, solution partnerships and global expansion in 2018 played key roles in the company's growth.
Vectra today announced that it was honored with the prestigious Grand Trophy Winner distinction for its Cognito threat-detection and hunting platform at the 2018 Golden Bridge Awards.
Vectra today announced it ranked 116th on Deloitte's Technology Fast 500™, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies in North America. Vectra grew 1,099 percent during this period.
Vectra today announced it was named a Red Herring 2018 Top 100 Global company in recognition of the leading private companies from North America, Europe, and Asia, celebrating these startups' innovations and technologies across their respective industries.
Vectra today announced that while industrial control systems are in the crosshairs, most cyberattacks against energy and utilities firms occur and succeed inside enterprise IT networks, not in the critical infrastructure.
Vectra today announced that Bolton NHS Foundation Trust selected the Cognito cyberattack detection and threat hunting platform from Vectra to expose hidden attackers inside its network.
Vectra was presented with the 2018 Visionary Innovation Leadership Award for internet-of-things (IoT) cybersecurity by the growth partnership firm of Frost & Sullivan. The award was presented to Vectra as result of independent research and in-depth analysis by Frost & Sullivan.
Vectra today announced it was named theOverall Threat Detection Solution of the Year' by CyberSecurity Breakthrough, an independent organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global information security market.
Vectra today announced that its Cognito platform will detect hidden cyberattackers in native Microsoft Azure cloud environments with virtual sensors running in Azure that integrate with the Azure Virtual Network Terminal Access Point (TAP). This integration enables Vectra to provide complete cyberattack visibility – without requiring agents – into both enterprise network traffic and Azure cloud workloads.
Vectra today announced the expansion of its leadership team with the appointment of Jennifer Wang as vice president of customer success and Aaron Bean as vice president of human resources.
Vectra today announced it was positioned by Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) as a Value Leader and Technology Innovator in its report,'EMA Radar for Network-Based Security Analytics.'
Vectra today announced that the manufacturing industry exhibits higher-than-normal rates of cyberattack-related reconnaissance and lateral movement activity. This is due to the rapid convergence of enterprise information technology and operational technology networks in manufacturing organizations.
Vectra today announced that it has earned three gold awards from the prestigious Globee Awards, the premier global business awards program open to for-profit, non-profit and government organizations worldwide. The annual Globee Awards program encompasses the best global organizations that have been evaluated based on growth and merit.
Vectra today announced that it grew new annual recurring revenue in the 1H2018 by 138% compared to the same period in 2017. During the second quarter, Vectra introduced Cognito Recall for AI-assisted threat-hunting and incident investigation, announced a vital technology partnership and product integration with CrowdStrike, received five new patents, and was honored with industry recognition.
Vectra today announced it was named a Red Herring 2018 Top 100 North America company, which honors the year's most promising private technology firms on the continent. Companies on the Red Herring Top 100 list are chosen based upon technological innovation, financial performance and business strategy.
Vectra today announced that many global financial services organizations are targeted by sophisticated cyberattackers in an attempt to steal critical data and personally-identifiable information (PII).
Vectra today announced a major expansion of the Cognito platform with Cognito Recall. A comprehensive source of enriched metadata, Cognito Recall empowers highly-skilled security analysts to conduct conclusive incident investigations and perform AI-assisted threat hunting.
Vectra today announced that the company has been named the winner of four Gold Stevie Awards, including the Most Innovative Tech Company of the Year, in the 16th Annual American Business Awards.
Vectra today announced that its Cognito platform is now available under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Program, enabling 66 Federal Civilian Agencies, as well as State and Local Government entities, to purchase Vectra cybersecurity products.
Vectra today announced that the higher education sector exhibited a startling increase in potentially damaging cryptocurrency mining behaviors as part of the company's key findings in the new 2018 RSA Conference Edition of its Attacker Behavior Industry Report.
Vectra today announced that CRN, a brand of The Channel Company, named the company to its annual Security 100 list for 2018. This project recognizes the coolest security companies in five classifications, and Vectra was one of the coolest vendors in the Network Security category.
Vectra today announced a technology partnership with CrowdStrike that integrates two authoritative views of a cyberattack – the network and endpoint. Together, Vectra Cognito and CrowdStrike Falcon Insight™ create an efficient security operations workflow that reduces response and investigation time, enabling security teams to quickly mitigate high-risk threats.
Vectra today announced it closed a $36 million Series D funding round led by Atlantic Bridge, a global growth equity fund focused on technology investments. Vectra will leverage this investment to expand sales and marketing globally and accelerate the development of its artificial intelligence (AI)-based threat hunting platform, Cognito.
Vectra today announced that Shop Direct, the United Kingdom's second-largest pureplay digital retailer, selected the Cognito threat detection and response platform from Vectra to protect its ecommerce sites and enterprise operations and streamline security operations.
Vectra today announced that 2017 was a record-breaking year for the company, with significant growth in revenue, enhancements to its Cognito threat detection and response platform, and industry recognition. Vectra was also positioned by Gartner, Inc. as the sole visionary in its 2018 Magic Quadrant for Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems.
Vectra today announced that it has been positioned by Gartner, Inc. in the Visionaries quadrant in its 2018 Magic Quadrant for Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems. The report provides a detailed overview of the IDPS market and evaluates vendors based on completeness of vision and ability to execute.
Vectra today announced the appointment of Scott Collins as director of North America channels. Collins brings nearly two decades of channel sales and management experience building high-growth, high-margin and differentiated channel programs for several leading cybersecurity firms.
Vectra, the leader in automating the hunt for in-progress cyberattacks, announced it has been named a Distinguished Vendor in the 2018 TAG Cyber Security Annual. With this designation, Vectra joins an esteemed list of industry professionals and experts.
Vectra today announced that its Cognito platform has been selected as winner of the'Overall Threat Detection Solution of the Year' award from CyberSecurity Breakthrough, an independent organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global information security market today.
Vectra, the leader in automating the hunt for in-progress cyberattacks, has earned four medals in the Golden Bridge Awards for its Vectra Cognito Cybersecurity Artificial Intelligence (AI) Platform.
Vectra today announced it has been issued five U.S. patents, numbers 9237164, 9407647, 9565208, 9602533 and 9628512, for advanced cyber security analytics capabilities automated by artificial intelligence (AI).
Demisto and Vectra today announced the availability of the Vectra Active Enforcement application for Demisto. The integrated solution quickly exposes hidden cyber attack behaviors, pinpoints host devices at the center of an attack and blocks threats before data is compromised or stolen.
Vectra today announced the company will be participating in two sessions at the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit 2017 on using artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically detect cyberattacks. Vectra will exhibit at Booth 809 at the Summit, taking place June 12-17 in National Harbor, Md.
Vectra today announced the results of its Post-Intrusion Report, outlining key cybersecurity trends from Q1 2017. The research is based on threat detection data from nearly 200 opt-in Vectra enterprise customers across 13 industries.
Vectra today announced it will be leveraging the capabilities of VMware NSX® to accelerate the detection and mitigation of hidden cyber attackers in virtualized data centers, allowing for the mitigation of advanced threats close to the source in order to minimize potential damage.
Vectra today announced that the Texas A&M University System selected Vectra to speed-up the detection of cyber attackers in its networks and protect critical, high-value assets across 11 university campuses, seven state agencies and numerous research institutes.
Vectra, the leader in automating the hunt for in-progress cyber attacks, today announced a breakthrough in data center security that identifies hidden cyber attack behaviors within Amazon Web Services that were previously impossible to detect.
Vectra, the leader in automated threat management, today announced that Kevin Moore, a noted sales veteran in the security industry, was appointed senior vice president of worldwide sales. In this role, he is responsible for all direct and channel sales globally.
Vectra Networks today announced the industry's first comprehensive approach to detect backdoors embedded in network infrastructure including firewalls, servers, routers and switches, found at the heart of private enterprise data centers and public clouds.
Wipro Limited, today announced a partnership with Vectra Networks, a Silicon Valley-based cybersecurity company that provides automated threat management solutions for real-time detection of in-progress cyber attacks.
Vectra Networks wins'Most Innovative Emerging Company' in Dark Reading's Best of Black Hat Awards.
Vectra Networks recognized for creativity and innovation in product development, as well as a strong commitment to delivering those offerings through a vibrant channel of solution providers.
Vectra Networks today announced that researchers in the Vectra Threat Labs discovered a critical vulnerability in Microsoft Windows that enables attackers to gain system-level control over computers via infected or fake printer drivers.
Vectra Networks today announced that its X-series platform was recognized by SC Magazine UK, as the highly commended solution in the Best Behavior Analytics/Enterprise Threat Detection category for the 2016 SC Magazine Awards Europe.
Vectra Networks successfully enables enterprise customers to halt ransomware attacks with a new class of threat detection capabilities available in its X-series platform, designed for real-time detection of in-progress cyber attacks.
The 2016 Post-Intrusion Report from Vectra reveals that cyber attackers know they're being watched and are responding by blending in with users and hiding in normal network traffic. This report analyzed data from 120 Vectra customer networks comprised of more than 1.3 million hosts over the first quarter of 2016. All organizations showed signs of targeted attacks, including internal reconnaissance, lateral movement or data exfiltration.
Vectra Networks has launched the company's new Global Channel Partner Program, which is designed to attract, educate and enable valued channel partners to deliver automated, real-time detection and analysis of in-progress cyber attacks to customers.
Cyber Defense Magazine, the industry's leading electronic information security magazine and media partner of the RSA® Conference 2016, has named Vectra Networks, winner of the'Cutting Edge' and'Editor's Choice' awards in the Network Security Solution and Intrusion Detection Systems categories.
Vectra Networks announces record bookings growth of nearly 400 percent in 2015 over 2014. This rapid sales growth across North America and Europe was complemented by an expanded workforce which grew by 86 percent around the globe in 2015, and a significant number of awards and industry distinctions.
CEO Hitesh Sheth is serving as an advisor to American University Kogod School of Business Cybersecurity Governance Center; as Vectra Networks contributes to the Rochester Institute of Technology Collegiate Pentesting Competition.
Vectra Threat Labs™ has verified that consumer-grade Internet of Things (IoT) products, such as Wi-Fi security web cameras, can be hacked and reprogrammed to serve as permanent backdoors, enabling potential attackers to remotely command and control a cyber attack without being detected by traditional security products.
Vectra Networks has been recognized as an Excellence Award finalist in the Best Behavior Analytics/Enterprise Threat Detection category for the 2016 SC Awards. Winners will be announced at the SC Awards 2016 ceremony to be held March 1 in San Francisco.
Recent findings by SANS reveal that automated network threat detection using data science, machine learning and behavioral analysis can complement or improve traditional security methods to fulfill goals defined within the Critical Security Controls (CSCs).
Vectra Networks has won the Gold Award in the 7th annual Golden Bridge Awards program in the Security Software Innovations awards category.
Vectra® Networks has been named a winner in the annual <a href="" target="_blank" data-rt-link-type="external">Security Innovation Network (SINET) 16 Innovator competition as a top emerging cybersecurity company in 2015.
Vectra announces the unprecedented ability to detect malicious attack communications in encrypted tunnels – without decrypting traffic – as well as identify attack communications that hide in web and other common applications inside today's networks.
Vectra has been awarded <a href="" target="_blank" data-rt-link-type="external">Certificate #2448 by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This is the result of successfully testing the Vectra Cryptographic Module against the federally-mandated encryption standards on three Linux platforms: SUSE Linux Enterprise, CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Barry University has selected Vectra to protect its high-value data as advanced persistent attacks (APTs) surge. Vectra's automated threat management solution enables the university to detect cyber attacks as they are happening – automatically and in real time.
Vectra has established a dedicated European presence, with a local headquarters based in Pfaffikon, Switzerland, a logistics hub in Amsterdam, and a dedicated European leadership team.
Vectra Networks won multiple Stevie® Awards in The 13th Annual American Business Awards (ABA) program last week, including earning the highest honor, the Gold Stevie Award, in the Tech Startup of the Year awards category.
Vectra Threat Labs discovered a high severity vulnerability in Internet Explorer (IE) 11 last week following the cyber attack on the Italian company known as Hacking Team. Remediation is being announced today in Microsoft's Security Bulletin.
A real-world study about threats that evade perimeter defenses and what attackers do once they get inside your network.
Vectra Networks announces the results of the Insider Threat Spotlight Report, a survey of more than 500 cybersecurity professionals in the Information Security Community on LinkedIn, conducted to shed light on the challenges of combatting insider threats.
Vectra Networks will provide a live demonstration of its differentiated solution that delivers real-time detection of cyber attacks in-progress at the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit.
Santa Clara University has deployed Vectra's X-series platform, enabling them to protect private university and student information on its campus network from malware and today's advanced persistent threats.
Vectra Networks earns four finalist honors at the 13th Annual Stevie Awards for protecting networks from threats, malware and security attacks.
Vectra has been has been included in the list of'Cool Vendors' in the Cool Vendors in Security Intelligence, 2015 report by Gartner, Inc. Vendors selected for'Cool Vendor' report are innovative and industry-impacting.
Info Security Products Guide has named Vectra Networks as the winner of three distinguished awards in the 2015 Global Excellence Awards program.
Cyber Defense Magazine has named the Vectra Networks X-series as the winner of the 2015 Cutting Edge Award in the Network Security Solutions award category.
Vectra Networks has been named one of 10 finalists for the RSA® Conference Innovation Sandbox Contest 2015, which is celebrating its 10-year anniversary this year.
Computer Technology Review (CTR) has named the recently announced Vectra S-series sensor as a 2015 Most Valuable Products Award winner.
Vectra Wins Cool Tool Award in the Security/Privacy Solution Category for Delivering Comprehensive Threat Analysis and Real-Time Indicators of Attack throughout Universities' BYOD Environments
Announcing the the industry's first threat detection platform that extends automated real-time cybersecurity into all corners of an organization, including previous blind spots such as remote sites and internal network segments.
Vectra Networks announces that two of its executives have been invited and will participate in the White House Summit on Cybersecurity and Consumer Protection being held at Stanford University on Friday, Feb. 13.
Vectra Networks, a leader in real-time detection of in-progress cyber-attacks, today announced the results of the first edition of The Post Breach Industry Report, an industry study using real-world data from enterprise networks to reveal what attackers do within a network once they evade perimeter defenses.
Independent research study conducted by LinkedIn Information Security Community finds more than half of 1,100 respondents identify malware protection as a key requirement for mobile security.